Gold Rush Season 5 Episode 21 Free


Episode descriptions from the first season of Walt Disneys Zorro. The SuperScary SuperStrange Files Scariest Movie Ever with Senpai. Watch Gold Rush Season 5 Episode 21 Free OnlineThe Truth About the Discovery Channels Gold Rush Alaska. The television series Gold Rush Alaska could have been good, but unfortunately the Hoffman family had to be a part of the show. If Todd Hoffman isnt the scum of the Earth then I dont know who is. I can tell you one thing, Mr. Dorsey has more class, knowledge, and respect for people in his little pinky finger than Todd Hoffman and his whole crooked family has. BGzAZtI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Gold Rush Season 5 Episode 21 Free Stream' title='Gold Rush Season 5 Episode 21 Free Stream' />Jimmy Dorsey tried to help and he did his best. His lovely wife and children was a great supporting cast for this Discovery TV Show. It was great to laugh at Jimmy, because he did do some things peculiar, but nothing to hate the guy over. Todd Hoffman is the one to blame here and I noticed this right from the start. You just have to go back, while they are all still in Oregon and when they begin to load up for the trip north to Alaska. During the loading process in Oregon, Todd was talking about a friend he knew, which got killed by a broken chain. It was the same thing they were doing now, as the crew of gold miners were trying to move some very heavy stuff around, by tying chains to it and then pulling it with some type of heavy machinery. So Todd tells us about his friend getting killed in this process and thats a sad story, but Jimmy Dorsey was not around, when Todd was talking about this. As faith would have it, the chain did snap and if it would have hit someone, it could have killed them. When this event took place, Jim said that exact line that could have killed someone and Todd jumped all over Dorsey for no reason. Todd had no right and Dorsey didnt mean anything by his comments. Anybody would have said that exact line, during a situation like that. It was this point right here, where I did not like Todd Hoffman. Too bad Todds Dad did not see this event or maybe he would know a little bit more, about how Dorsey was being attacked by Todd. No Guts No Gloreeeeeeeee Jack Hoffman is the father of Todd Hoffman and he had a lot of catchy phrases that helped to make the show popular in Porcupine Creek, Alaska. Jack seems like a real good guy, somebody you wouldnt mind working for or getting a little dirt under your fingernails for. He was really the only miner on the trip from Oregon, who had any gold mining experience and his abilities was about as limited as Todds was on the trip. Both men read about finding gold and telling stories and hearing stories than they did actually going out and finding the heavy metal stuff. I did like Jack Hoffman, until I found out he was a thief. Listen up troop in Porcupine Creek. Jack Hoffman and his son Todd are robbing yall blind. Jack goes in to count the gold by his self, so he can pocket some of it. This is why Jack and Todd did not like Dakota coming in and helping with the gold clean up efforts in Porcupine Creek. Not long after Dakota came into camp, did the Hoffmans suddenly run out of money. The trip down to Oregon was a joke. Todd took a huge chunk of gold dust with him, because he had to sell it, without Dakota finding out. I believe the Hoffmans planned to hide this gold, until their trip was over and sneak it back to Oregon. This plan didnt work, when the land owner insisted Dakota go in and help the Oregon crew of rookie gold miners. Now Jack and Todd knew they had a problem. So they planned to sneak the gold out of Alaska and down to Oregon. The Discovery Channel would not leave Todds side in Oregon, so he was able to slip off and give the gold to his sister. He asked to borrow about 4. Alaska which he stole from Jim Dorsey, James Harness, Jim Thurber, Chris Doumitt, and Todds best friend Greg Remsburg not to mention Fred Dakota Hurt and the landowner of Porcupine Creek. Hey Greg, with a friend like Todd Hoffman, who needs enemies, right So Todds sister said she would think about it meaning she would think about lending Todd the money or not. What she did, was take the stolen gold and sold it. So now you have Todd and his daddy Jack Hoffman being the crooked miners in the camp and you have to watch this while you go gold mining. All Saints Season 10 Episode 10. Especially with the amount of money the Hoffmans put up and the pressure and stress they was under to pull through. Todd said it his self, he is just a fat kid that has no business mining. This is true. He did very little work, yet he steals about 4. After all, she must know how awful of a person Todd really is, if she is his sister. Poor Jack was real nervous about handing the gold off to Todd too, because I think Todd pocketed some of this gold for him self. He didnt give it all to his sister and even Jack got robbed from too. Who knows, maybe Jack has been robbing from Todd under the tent while they secretly count their money. Power Ranger Season 10 Episode 1 more. Just a bad situation for everybody involved when you have the Hoffman Clan barking out the orders, making the others feel guilty, cause they put up so much of their own money, but yet, they are robbing gold on the side from the other miners. The only gold miner from Oregon who is really lucky, is Jimmy Dorsey. He got out of there, while the getting was good. Too bad the other miners in camp, dont see the Dad Son duo stealing the gold for their self and not splitting it up equally. All of you guys made a nice little profit in the first season, if you would have been given your fair shares of gold. Instead, the Hoffmans make a profit and sure they are ready to go back again and rip these same hard workers off again. Why not Lucky Gold Miner from Oregon. All of you guys need to follow Jack and Todd around and especially in the tent, when it is time to count up the profits from the gold strikes. The Hoffmans are cheaters and look after each other up there, since they are family. Too bad a good man like Jim Dorsey got caught up with a bunch of thieves like the Hoffman clan. James and Jim, both of you two men seem like good guys. I would take you on my gold mining crew any day of the week. I would treat you better than Todd Hoffman and his Pops. Dont let them brainwash you two and make you think all the blame is on Dorseys shoulders. Todd used Dorsey as his scape goat. After Dorsey left Porcupine Creek, Todd had no one else to blame, so he begin to point at everyone while everyone was pointing back at him. Todd Hoffman Thief Control Freak. If you go back to Alaska with the Hoffman Gold Stealers from the Discovery Channel, be sure to go to the tent and count the gold with these two crooked gold miners. I believe the Hoffmans are trying to abandon Porcupine Creek, so they dont have Fred Hurt Dakota looking over their shoulders and keeping them straight. Fred came into camp and helped you guys. But nobody could see it, because the Hoffmans wanted to tell people what to do and be the controllers and bosses. Sometimes a boss has to take a backseat and allow someone else to lead. This is what makes a good boss, a great boss. Todd was too jealous and this is why he didnt like Fred in their little crew of gold miners. Click here for reuse options Copyright 2. Creating a simple Life.