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9/11 conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories that attribute the planning and execution of the September 11 attacks against the United States to parties other than. AOL Radio is powered by humans! Great radio is all about unexpected connections--the kind that an algorithm can't predict. Pick any station in any of the 30 genres. After being taken down twice by Blogger within a single week, we got the message: It’s Time To Go. Gates of Vienna has moved to a new address.

Wikipedia. The nature of the collapse of the two World Trade Center towers and the nearby WTC7 (in this photo, the brown building to the left of the towers) is a major focus of 9/1. September 1. 1 attacks against the United States to parties other than, or in addition to, al- Qaeda[1] including that there was advance knowledge of the attacks among high- level government officials. Government investigations and independent reviews have found no evidence for the theories.[2][3] Proponents of these theories claim there are inconsistencies in the commonly accepted version, or evidence that was either ignored or overlooked.[4]The most prominent conspiracy theory is that the collapse of the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center were the result of a controlled demolition rather than structural failure due to impact and fire.[5][6] Another prominent belief is that the Pentagon was hit by a missile launched by elements from inside the U. S. government[7][8] or that a commercial airliner was allowed to do so via an effective stand- down of the American military. Possible motives claimed by conspiracy theorists for such actions include justifying the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq (even though the U. S. government concluded Iraq was not involved in the attacks)[9] to advance their geostrategic interests, such as plans to construct a natural gas pipeline through Afghanistan.[1. Other conspiracy theories revolve around authorities having advance knowledge of the attacks and deliberately ignoring or assisting the attackers.[4][1.

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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the technology magazine Popular Mechanics have investigated and rejected the claims made by 9/1. The 9/1. 1 Commission and some of the civil engineering community accept that the impacts of jet aircraft at high speeds in combination with subsequent fires, not controlled demolition, led to the collapse of the Twin Towers, but some groups continue to disagree with the arguments made by NIST and Popular Mechanics, including Architects & Engineers for 9/1. Truth.[1. 5][1. 6][1. Background. 9/1. 1 conspiracy theorists reject some or all of the following facts about the 9/1. Al- Qaeda suicide operatives hijacked and crashed United Airlines Flight 1.

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American Airlines Flight 1. World Trade Center, and crashed American Airlines Flight 7. Pentagon. The impact and resulting fires caused the collapse of the Twin Towers and the destruction and damage of other buildings in the World Trade Center complex.

The Pentagon was severely damaged by the impact of the airliner and the resulting fire. The hijackers also crashed a fourth plane into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after the passengers and flight crew attempted to regain control of the aircraft.[2. Pre- attack warnings of varying detail of the planned attacks against the United States by al- Qaeda were ignored due to a lack of communication between various law enforcement and intelligence personnel. For the lack of interagency communication, the 9/1. Watergate scandal. The report faulted both the Clinton and the Bush administrations with "failure of imagination."[2. This consensus view is backed by various sources, including: The reports from government investigations – the 9/1.

Commission Report (that incorporated intelligence information from the earlier FBI investigation (PENTTBOM) and the Joint Inquiry of 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency[2. FEMA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Investigations by non- government organizations that support the accepted account – such as those by scientists at Purdue University.[3][2. Articles supporting these facts and theories appearing in magazines such as Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, and Time.[2. Similar articles in news media throughout the World, including The Times of India,[2.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC),[2. BBC,[2. 7]Le Monde,[2. Deutsche Welle,[2. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC),[3. The Chosun Ilbo of South Korea.[3. History. Since the attacks, a variety of conspiracy theories have been put forward in Web sites, books, and films.

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Many groups and individuals advocating 9/1. Truth movement.[3. Within six hours of the attack, a suggestion appeared on an Internet chat room suggesting that the collapse of the towers looked like an act of controlled demolition.

If, in a few days, not one official has mentioned anything about the controlled demolition part," the author wrote, "I think we have a REALLY serious problem."[3. The first theories that emerged focused primarily on various perceived anomalies in the publicly available evidence, and proponents later developed more specific theories about an alleged plot.[1.

One false allegation that was widely circulated by e- mail and on the Web is that not a single Jew had been killed in the attack and that therefore the attacks must have been the work of the Mossad, not Islamic terrorists.[1. The first elaborated theories appeared in Europe. One week after the attacks, the "inside job" theory was the subject of a thesis by a researcher from the French National Centre for Scientific Research published in Le Monde.

Other theories sprang from the far corners of the globe within weeks.[3. Six months after the attacks, Thierry Meyssan's piece on 9/1. L'Effroyable Imposture, topped the French bestseller list.

Its publication in English (as 9/1. The Big Lie) received little attention, but it remains one of the principal sources for "trutherism".[3.

The CIA and September 1. German state minister Andreas von Bülow and Operation 9/1.

German journalist Gerhard Wisnewski; both books are published by Mathias Bröckers, who was at the time an editor at the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung.[1. While these theories were popular in Europe, they were treated by the U. S. media with either bafflement or amusement, and they were dismissed by the U.

S. government as the product of anti- Americanism.[3. In an address to the United Nations on November 1. United States President. George W. Bush denounced the emergence of "outrageous conspiracy theories [..] that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty."[4. The 9/1. 1 conspiracy theories started out mostly in the political left but have broadened into what New York Magazine describes as "terra incognita where left and right meet, fusing sixties countercultural distrust with the don’t- tread- on- me variety".[4. By 2. 00. 4, conspiracy theories about the September 1. United States. One explanation is that the rise in popularity stemmed more from growing criticism of the Iraq War and the newly re- elected President George W.

Bush than from any discovery of new or more compelling evidence or an improvement in the technical quality of the presentation of the theories.[1. Knight Ridder news theorized that revelations that weapons of mass destruction did not exist in Iraq, the belated release of the President's Daily Brief of August 6, 2. NORAD had lied to the 9/1. Commission, may have fueled the conspiracy theories.[1. Between 2. 00. 4 and the fifth anniversary of the September 1. The U. S. government issued a formal analysis by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the collapse of the World Trade Center.[4. To address the growing publicity of the theories, the State Department revised a webpage in 2.

A 2. 00. 6 national security strategy paper declared that terrorism springs from "subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation," and that "terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self- serving propaganda."[4. Watch The Blue Lagoon Online Fandango here.

Al- Qaeda has repeatedly claimed responsibility for the attacks, with chief deputy Ayman al- Zawahiri accusing Shia.

Gates of Vienna. Note: Takuan’s post (which was originally published last night) is to remain at the top for a while, so I made it “sticky”. However, much has happened since it went up, including the Blogger outage. Scroll down for a report on that. See also: Two forthrightly anti- Semitic Islamic leaders in Norway, Judicial coddling in Germany, and Part 3 of the Imran Firasat interview. More new posts will be added below this one. Oh, and don’t mess around with JIM.

The essay below is the conclusion of the ninth part in a series by Takuan Seiyo. See the list at the bottom of this post for links to the previous installments. Left: Pierre- Auguste Renoir, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, 1.

Right: George Grosz, Metropolis, 1. The Bee and the Lamb.

Part 9 (continued)By Takuan Seiyo. A Whole New Road to Serfdom. That Which is Not Seen (continued)For over 6. White mea- culpists have had a firm grip in all fields of cultural mind imprinting: education high and low; paper media, then electronic, then digital media; all forms of entertainment, the plastic arts and music high and low, and religious instruction and worship too. Their main endeavor has been to enforce their compulsory (e. K- 1. 2) and discretionary (e.

Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism, Male Supremacism, Racism, Antisemitism, and so on. It’s the evils of the Iberian Inquisition — which were evil — but not the evils of the Japanese equivalent in which, in the 4. Christians were publicly crucified, burned or beheaded. Nor the evils of the worldwide Islamic Inquisition which — not in the 1. Muslim apostates to barbaric execution.

It’s America’s destruction of the snail darter but not Mussulmanism’s destruction of the Bamyan Buddhas or its proposed destruction of the Sphinx and the Pyramids, let alone its obliteration of all the pre- Rome cradles of Christianity but for remaining ruins in the Middle East and dust of the desert in North Africa. It’s the evils of feudalism and industrial workers’ exploitation in Europe and America, but not the strict Confucian evils of Northeast Asia. There, a member of the ruling class in China had, essentially, a free hand with anyone of the lower classes, a Japanese samurai could test his sword by cutting down an insolent peasant, and farmers were so squeezed by their fief holders that they habitually sold their daughters to bordellos for the few coins it provided for next season’s seed. Feminism, Socialism and anti- Antisemitism should have arisen in Saudi Arabia or Yemen, Algeria or Peshawar, for good reasons. Instead, aggressive White androphobes of all genders which I can no longer count are decimating the philogynous and egalitarian West. Equality psychos are tearing down the most egalitarian society that ever existed (except for initial communist experiments, before they turned bloody).

American Jews, at the apex of the greatest fortune and philosemitic tolerance their long diaspora has ever bestowed on their kind, are busy supporting all the ideologies and policies that demolish their safe harbor and build up their Muslim, Black and Third World enemies. They will come to rue their tacit assumption that better the antisemite you don’t know than the few hundred imputed and real ones catalogued at ADL.

One would be hard put to find a nation not based on the invasion of another people’s territory and their mass slaughter. Yet poisoned American madmen proclaim “No Thanks for Thanksgiving” as though the Indians themselves did not fight endless genocidal wars from Peru to Canada, with torture, ritual murder or slavery for the captives and, at times, cannibalism too. Leftoid masochists and the Christian meek call for returning Hawaii to the Hawaiians and capitulating before a massive Mexican reconquista of one- third of America. The self- defined “Feminist- Tauist- Neo.

Pagan- Post- Structuralist- Deconstructionist- Socialist” useful idiot Gillian Schutte begins her New Year 2. Dear White People by “wholeheartedly apologizing for what my ancestors did to the people of South Africa and inviting you to do the same.”Yet the Magyars don’t seem to feel much guilt over the Illyrians, Pannonians, Sarmatians and Celts whose land and lives they took in the 9th century, to form Hungary. The rightful Etruscan landowners are not bearing angry placards in front of the Vatican. The Japanese are not planning to relinquish Hokkaido to its original owners, the Ainu.

The tall, white and fair- haired Chachapoyas of the Andean forest have, alas, no remnants left to sue the Incas for genocide in a Peruvian court of law. The Aztecs, whether in Jalisco or Los Angeles, don’t agonize over having taken what would become Mexico City from its original Culhuacan owners, with lots of grisly details. Yet for 3. 8 years Neil Young has been reminding adoring audiences about “Cortez the Killer”, discreetly omitting Tlacaelel the killer and the killer people whom Cortez killed. Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust (1. Daniel Goldhagen presenting the thesis that the German nation as such was composed of willing executioners of the Jews because of a unique “eliminationist antisemitism” in the German people, with long historical roots.

However, even that great moral abyss of Western civilization — the Holocausts — stands out more in its industrialized and organizational features than it does either in the quality of its hatefulness or its relative or even absolute volumes. And Holocausts they were, for in addition to the nearly 6 million Jews, the Germans also murdered over 2. Slavs, and that’s counting Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Czechoslovakia alone. In absolute numbers, the total number of World War II non- German civilian victims of Nazi Germany is smaller than the 5. Bolsheviks in Russia, or Mao’s 7. China, or the Mughal- Muslim genocide of Hindus — the latter have their own Holocaust Day on August 1.

In relative numbers, in just one year, 1. Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda, killed off a total of one million, in a population of 7 million.

Tutsi population was erased. Is it more humane to go by a stroke of a blunt machete than by a whiff of Zyklon B? The Khmer Rouge murdered at least 2 million Cambodians between 1. Is it more humane to die by wallops from a Cambodian pickaxe handle than by a bullet from a German Mauser? Inscription on the back (in German): “Ukraine 1. Jewish Aktion, Ivangorod.”There is a special horror attached to the Third Reich, because those were 2.

Europeans, Christians, and in many ways the smartest, most civilized people on Earth. But the Holocausts do not prove that Whites are worse than other people, just that they are no better. The history of the Third Reich also proves that with the right formula of economic blowup, misery and humiliation, sparked by charismatic evil, no people are immune to such horror, at no time.