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The Hobbit film series Wikipedia. This article is about the film franchise released between 2. For other films based on The Hobbit, see Middle earth in film. The Hobbit is a film series consisting of three high fantasyadventure films directed by Peter Jackson. They are based on the 1. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, with large portions of the trilogy inspired by the appendices to The Return of the King, which expand on the story told in The Hobbit, as well as new material and characters written especially for the films. Together they act as a prequel to Jacksons The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. The films are subtitled An Unexpected Journey 2. The Desolation of Smaug 2. The Battle of the Five Armies 2. The screenplay was written by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Jackson, and Guillermo del Toro, who was originally chosen to direct before his departure from the project. The films take place in the fictional world of Middle earth sixty years before the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, and follow hobbit. Bilbo Baggins Martin Freeman, who is convinced by the wizard. Gandalf the Grey Ian Mc. Watch End Of Days, Inc. Putlocker on this page. Kellen to accompany thirteen dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield Richard Armitage, on a quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the dragon. Smaug voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. The films also expand upon certain elements from the novel and other source material, such as Gandalfs investigation at Dol Guldur, and the pursuit of Azog and Bolg, who seek vengeance against Thorin and his ancestors. The films feature an ensemble cast that also includes James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace and Luke Evans, with several actors reprising their roles from The Lord of the Rings, including Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis. The films also feature Manu Bennett, Sylvester Mc. Matt Murdock Daredevil Matty Doc Mike Mother Teresa The Man in the Mask The Man in Black The Mask Black Mask The Masked Idiot The Devil of Hells Kitchen. The Hobbit is a film series consisting of three high fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson. They are based on the 1937 novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. Coy, Stephen Fry, Mikael Persbrandt, Barry Humphries, and Lawrence Makoare. Also returning for production, among others, were illustrators John Howe and Alan Lee, art director Dan Hennah, cinematographer Andrew Lesnie, and composer Howard Shore, while props were again crafted by Weta Workshop, with visual effects managed by Weta Digital. The first film in the series premiered at the Embassy Theatre in Wellington, New Zealand on 2. November 2. 01. 2. One hundred thousand people lined the red carpet on Courtenay Place, and the entire event was broadcast live on television in New Zealand and streamed over the Internet. The second film of the series premiered at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California on 2 December 2. The third and final film premiered at Leicester Square in London on 1 December 2. The series was a major financial success, with the films classified as one of the highest grossing film series of all time, going on to outgross The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. Although critically considered to be inferior to The Lord of the Rings, it was nominated for various awards and won several, though not as many as its predecessor. DevelopmenteditFirst stages of developmenteditJackson and Walsh originally expressed interest in filming The Hobbit in 1. The Lord of the Rings. Frustration arose when Jacksons producer, Harvey Weinstein, discovered that Saul Zaentz had production rights to The Hobbit, but that distribution rights still belonged to United Artists which had kept those rights, believing that filmmakers would prefer to adapt The Hobbit rather than The Lord of the Rings. The United Artists studio and its parent corporation Metro Goldwyn Mayer was for sale in 2. Weinsteins attempts to buy the movie rights from the studio were unsuccessful. Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' />Weinstein asked Jackson to press on with adapting The Lord of the Rings. Ultimately, The Lord of the Rings was produced by New Line Cinema, not the Weinsteins, and their rights to film The Hobbit were set to expire in 2. In September 2. 00. Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch The Time Guardian Online Hollywoodreporter' />Hobbit r en filmtrilogi baserad p J. R. R. Tolkiens roman Bilbo En hobbits ventyr frn 1937. Den frsta filmen, Hobbit En ovntad resa, hade biopremir. Selena Marie Gomez n. Texas, SUA este o actri i cntrea american. Gomez ia fcut primul debut n Barney Friends ca Gianna, n. Vivian Kubrick disconnected from her director father and the rest of her family decades ago, according to relatives now observers are questioning why she attempted. Metro Goldwyn Mayer expressed interest in teaming up with New Line and Jackson to make The Hobbit. In March 2. 00. 5, Jackson launched a lawsuit against New Line, claiming he had lost revenue from merchandising, video and computer games releases associated with The Fellowship of the Ring. He did not seek a specific settlement, but requested an audit to see whether New Line had withheld money owed him. Although Jackson wanted it settled before he would make the film,1. New Line would still let him make The Hobbit. New Line co founder Robert Shaye was annoyed with the lawsuit and said in January 2. Jackson would never again direct a film for New Line, accusing him of being greedy. MGM boss Harry Sloan halted development, as he wanted Jackson to be involved. By August, after a string of flops, Shaye tried to repair his relationship with the director. He said, I really respect and admire Peter and would love for him to be creatively involved in some way in The Hobbit. The following month, New Line was fined 1. On 1. 6 December 2. New Line and MGM announced that Jackson would be executive producer of The Hobbit and its sequel. The two studios would co finance the film and the latter studio via 2. Century Fox would distribute the film outside North AmericaNew Lines first ever such deal with another major studio. Each films budget was estimated at US1. US9. 4 million budget for each of the films in Jacksons Lord of the Rings trilogy. After completion of the merger of New Line Cinema with Warner Bros. February 2. 00. 8, the two parts were announced as scheduled for release in December 2. Producer Mark Ordesky, the executive producer of The Lord of the Rings, planned to return to supervise the prequels. Jackson explained he chose not to direct because it would have been unsatisfying to compete with his previous films. In February 2. 00. Tolkien Estate through The Tolkien Trust, a British charity and Harper. Collins Publishers filed a suit against New Line for breach of contract and fraud and demanded 2. The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Watch Once Upon A Time In China 3 Hindi Full Movie. The suit claimed New Line had only paid the Estate an upfront fee of 6. The suit claimed the Estate was entitled to 7. Tolkien films, as established by prior deals. The suit also sought to block the filming of The Hobbit. The suit was settled in September 2. However the Tolkien Trusts 2. New Line Cinema of 2. US3. 8 million. This amount was the Trusts estimated share in respect of the gross profit participation due for the films based on The Lord of the Rings. Hobbit filmserie Wikipedia. Hobbit r en filmtrilogi baserad p J. R. R. Tolkiensroman. Bilbo En hobbits ventyr frn 1. Den frsta filmen, Hobbit En ovntad resa, hade biopremir den 1. Hobbit Smaugs demark, hade den 1. Hobbit Femhraslaget, hade den 9 december. Filmerna skulle ha regisserats av Guillermo del Toro, men han hoppade av p grund av filmens mnga frseningar. Filmerna regisserades i stllet av Peter Jackson6, som bland annat har regisserat hela filmtrilogin om Hrskarringen frn ren 2. Filmerna kretsar kring berttelsen om en hobbit vid namn Bilbo Bagger Martin Freeman, som bor i det fredliga landet Fylke i den fiktiva vrlden Midgrd. Han fr besk av en trollkarl vid namn Gandalf Ian Mc. Kellen, som har kommit till Fylke fr att be Bilbo om en tjnst. Med sig har Gandalf ett flje av tretton dvrgar, vilkas ledare r dvrgen Torin Ekensklde Richard Armitage, vars farfar var kung ver dvrgariket Erebor, som frintades av en drake vid namn Smaug Benedict Cumberbatch fr lnge sedan. Gandalf och Torin har tillsammans lagt upp en plan om att frdas tillbaka till Erebor under Ensamma berget fr att besegra Smaug, som nu uppehller sig dr. Enligt planen ska de ta hjlp av Bilbo fr att kunna ta sig in i Erebor. Bilbo, Gandalf och dvrgarna ger sig ut p en farofylld resa som tar dem till Midgrds stra lnder. Under resan kommer Bilbo dessutom finna en mytomspunnen ring Den enda ringen som fr honom att bli helt osynlig. Nedan fljer en tabell ver skdespelare bakom nmnvrda rollfigurer i filmerna. Beteckningen r visar att skdespelaren bara har lnat sin rst till figuren i frga. Peter Jackson och Fran Walsh uttryckte redan 1. Hobbiten, som en del av en trilogi de andra filmerna skulle baseras p Ringarnas Herre. Problemet var att Saul Zaentz hade produktionsrttigheterna till boken, medan distributionsrttigheterna fortfarande tillhrde United Artists. Weinsteins frsk att kpa rttigheterna misslyckades. Weinstein bad Jackson att sikta in sig p att pressa fram en filmatisering av Ringarnas Herre. MGM kpte United Artists, medan New Line Cinema fick rttigheterna till Ringarnas Herre. Dessa rttigheter kommer att g ut 2. I september 2. 00. MGM intresse av att samarbeta med New Line och Jackson fr att gra en s kallad prequel. I mars 2. 00. 5 stmde Jackson New Line fr frlorade inkomster frn marknadsfring och video och datorspelreleaser i samband med Ringarnas Herre. Jackson ansg sjlv att processen var av underordnad betydelse, och var fortfarande instlld p att gra filmen. Robert Shaye, en av New Lines grundare, var emellertid irriterad ver stmningen. I januari 2. 00. 7 ska han ha sagt att Jackson aldrig mer fr regissera film t New Line, och anklagade honom fr att vara girig. Dollar Bill C Series there. Men i augusti 2. 00. Shaye reparera sin relation till regissren. Han sa, I really respect and admire Peter and would love for him to be creatively involved in some way in The Hobbit. Den 1. 6 december 2. New Line och MGM att Jackson skulle bli exekutiv producent fr Hobbiten och dess uppfljare. De bda studiorna skulle delfinansiera filmen och den senare studion via 2. Century Fox skulle f distribuera den utanfr Nordamerika, vilket skulle ha blivit New Lines frsta affr med en annan stor studio i detta sammanhang. Varje films budget uppskattades till US1. US9. 4 miljoner i budget varje film i Jacksons Sagan om Ringen trilogi hade. Efter fullfljandet av samgendet mellan New Line Cinema och Warner Bros. Producenten Mark Ordesky, som var exekutiv producent fr Sagan om Ringen, planerade att tervnda fr att vervaka prequelfilmerna. Jackson frklarade att han valde att inte regissera filmerna d han ansg att det skulle ha varit otillfredsstllande att konkurrera med sina tidigare filmer. Samma mnad kom Tolkien Estate genom The Tolkien Trust, en brittisk vlgrenhetsorganisation och Harper. Collins Publishers att lmna in en stmningsanskan mot New Line fr kontraktsbrott och bedrgeri, samt krvde dem p 2. Stmningen pstod att New Line hade endast betalat ddsboet en frskottsavgift p 6. Den hvdade ven att stiftelsen hade rtt till 7,5 av all vinst frn ngon film baserad p Tolkiens verk, som det var faststllt av tidigare erbjudanden. Med stmningen ville stiftelsen ven blockera filminspelningen av Hobbiten. I september 2. 00. Detaljerna runt uppgrelsen belades med sekretess. Dock visade Tolkien Trusts konton 2. Christopher Tolkien uttalade sig fljande om hndelsen The trustees regret that legal action was necessary but are glad that this dispute has been settled on satisfactory terms that will allow the Tolkien Trust properly to pursue its charitable objectives. The trustees acknowledge that New Line may now proceed with its proposed film of The Hobbit. Guillermo del Toro var frn brjan tnkt att regissera filmerna, men lmnade till fljd av frdrjningar. Jackson ppekade att del Toros kreativa DNA kommer att finnas kvar i manusen och designen. Bortsett frn stmningarna som plgade produktionen, fortsatte den inledande utvecklingsfasen och i april 2. Guillermo del Toro till projektet som regissr. Del Toro har sagt att han r ett fan av Jacksons Sagan om Ringen trilogi och hade tidigare r 2. Halo. Trots att det projektet stannade upp, fortsatte de dock att hlla kontakten med varandra. I en intervju frn 2. Toro fljande I dont like little guys and dragons, hairy feet, hobbits,. I dont like sword and sorcery, I hate all that stuff. Efter att ha skrivit p kontraktet om att regissera filmerna i april 2. The. One. Ring. nets forum att han som barn hade blivit frtrollad av Hobbiten, men fann dock att Tolkiens vriga bcker contained geography and genealogy too complex for my prepubescent brain. I samband med att han tog jobbet som regissr, brjade han att reading like a madman to catch up with a whole new land, a continent of sortsa cosmology created by brilliant philologist turned Shaman. Han skrev ven att sin uppskattning av Tolkien har frbttrats genom sin kunskap om fantasy genren och folkminnesarkivet han hade tagit samtidigt som han gjorde sina egna fantasifilmer. Frproduktionen brjade i augusti 2. Toro, Jackson, Walsh och Philippa Boyens pbrjade skrivandet av manusen. Del Toro samarbetade med Jackson, Walsh och Boyens via videokonferenser, samt flg fram och tillbaka var tredje vecka frn Los Angeles dr ngra av designerna tillverkades5. Nya Zeeland fr att beska dem.