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Here Are 1. 0 Reasons Why Many of You Aren’t Going to Movie Theaters Anymore, According to a New Study. A useful study from multinational accounting firm Pricewaterhouse. Coopers, released this week, on your movie- going habits helps explain recent trends in declining theatrical attendance. Specifically, the majority of participants in the survey (5. That was the number 1 answer. Although, according to the National Association of Theater Owners (NATO), the average price of a movie ticket in 2. So that’s not really enough of a difference, year- over- year, to alter one’s movie theater habits, is it?

There’s about a ton of plastic for each person living in the world today—that’s 8,300 million tons of plastic produced since 1950, most of which has become. It’s cake versus ice cream for Splatoon 2's first Splatfest and we’re streaming all the fun live on our Twitch channel. Come and join the mayhem! The best deals to be found on the web, all in one place for your convenience! We should expect ticket prices to rise whyen the min wage barely has?? Thanks but I can watch any movie I want free. How about stop forking out millions to shitty. Love makes people do dumb stuff. But there are practical, easy steps we can take to maintain our privacy during romantic relationships, and changing one simple.

Here in New York, tickets are almost double the nationwide average (some theaters do have matinee prices that are less; but, for the most part, the major chains are charging $1. New Yorkers away from theaters). Although I should note that the $8. So, I suppose, compared to 2. So you should expect prices to be higher. Regardless, 5. There should maybe also be consideration for whether wages have kept up with the rise in ticket prices over the years. The second most popular response was that movies just aren’t as good as they once were. I would agree with that, in an era dominated by sequels, prequels, adaptations of TV shows, remakes of old movies (or foreign movies), comic book superhero movies, etc. It’s assembly- line cinema these days.

Good luck to the screenwriter or director with a wholly original idea, working in Hollywood! It’s all about big- budget, tent- pole movies with guaranteed international appeal, especially now that DVD sales (once a cash cow for the studios), are pretty much in the toilet. Risk- taking is something very few studio heads are willing to do.

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Just consider Disney’s lineup for the next 5 years – “Star Wars” movies, Marvel superhero movies, Pixar family movies. Third on the list for why fewer are going to the movie theater is having the freedom to see movies whenever they want to, or “on my own schedule” as the survey specifically states. Number 4 is that more folks prefer to spend their money on other things. Gone are the days when going to the movies was THE entertainment experience. Today, there’s so much competition for our attention, that it’s become less of an event. Number 5 is the shorter window between when a movie opens in theaters to when it becomes available on home video platforms – a window that continues to be challenged, as some distribution companies are releasing movies on VOD before theaters, or, simultaneously.

Amazon is getting into the distribution business now, as announced earlier this week, with the intent being, in part, to disrupt that process even further, shortening release windows between theatrical and home video, or bypassing theatrical altogether, which speaks to the 3rd reason on this list – “being able to watch what I want, when I want.”The full list of 1. I’m actually surprised that number 1. It would be much higher on mine. Drives me nuts, especially given how prevalent it is.

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After checking out the list below, I’d like to take a similar poll here on S& A, so please participate: First, do you find that you’re going to the movie theater even less? And if so, why is that (list you top 3 reasons)? What I’ll then do is compile all the results (assuming I receive a healthy number of them), and repost in a few weeks, if only to compare with the Pricewaterhouse.

Coopers survey below: Ticket prices are too high – 5. Movies are not as interesting as they once were – 4. Watch Loop Torent Free more. Prefer movies “on my own schedule” – 3. Prefer to spend money on other activities – 2.

Can see movies at home shortly after theatrical release – 2. Watch Results Online Facebook more. Prefer going out to dinner – 1. Don’t have as much disposable income as a year ago – 1. Decline in overall theater experience – 1. Watch Peep And The Big Wide World Online Free 2016. Online content is equally entertaining – 1. Too many people using phones and tablets in theaters – 1.