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Every Wonder Woman Movie Easter Egg & Secret. WARNING: This article contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for Wonder Woman.–DC’s biggest heroine has arrived, which means every Wonder Woman easter egg, cameo, secret connection to the DCEU, and niche nod to DC Comics is being placed under the microscope. Director Patty Jenkins made sure to pay tribute to the comic book mythology and origin story of Diana of Themyscira, and the results speaks for themselves. This may be Wonder Woman’s very first feature film… but it’s hard to find elements of her origin story or the history of the Amazons that aren’t adapted into DC’s movie universe. These secrets vary from specific moments in DC Comics history being alluded to (only noticed by the die- hard fans) to the subtlest of story details and production design fans of modern superhero movie- making have come to expect.

The Next Race: The Remote Viewings Full Movie Online Free

And even if Wonder Woman is a new style in the DCEU thanks to taking place primarily a century before the rest of the universe, that doesn’t mean there are any fewer goodies to search for in, around, and behind the action. Needless to say, there will be some major SPOILERS in our breakdown of Wonder Woman Easter Eggs & Comic References. The White Peacocks. In the original comics, the question of how a society of women would be able to survive on a single, remote island was easily answered. While on Themyscira, no Amazon would need sustenance to retain her full strength and health, which is why you’ll rarely see Amazons sewing crops, or feeding livestock.

We're catching every Wonder Woman movie easter egg, secret, and hidden connection to DC Comics - don't miss a single one! Some people are fans of the Houston Texans. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Houston Texans. This 2017 Deadspin NFL team preview is for those in the.

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That doesn’t mean there isn’t any wildlife on the island, even if the movie doesn’t highlight much more than horses. But keep your eyes peeled to the background of a handful of shots, and these regal birds are hard to overlook. They appear to be leucistic or albino peacocks: male members of the peahen species with longer tails, best known for using their extravagant coloring to attract a female mate. Their presence suggests that on Themyscira, men are still relevant to reproduction, in the world of proud fowl, at least. But the idea that males ‘court’ women is completely done away with. These birds are beautiful, yes… but guileless. Born From The Lake Bed.

The Next Race: The Remote Viewings Full Movie Online Free

The story of the Amazons has changed a bit over the run of Wonder Woman comics, sticking closer to, or straying farther from the mythological accounts. The Amazons get a new DCEU origin in this film, and as comic book fans might expect, the story Queen Hippolyta tells her daughter has a few subtle nods to what came before. It begins with an account of mankind’s creation, before Zeus realized that he would need some more reliable protectors of his creation than his son, the DCEU’s Ares, God of War. And so, he created the Amazons to guide man back to the light. Zeus didn’t get the credit for creating the Amazons in the original comic story, with that decision coming from a group of women among the Olympian gods.

Having preserved the souls of women who died by a man’s hand, unjustly, these gods created a race of women to give said souls new life. They formed them from clay at the bottom of a lake, with Hippolyta the first born, and Antiope following soon after. The storybook version told by Hippolyta to Diana leaves out the specifics of the Amazons’ formation – but shows them emerging from a lake all the same. A Nod to Hercules. The narrative of how the Amazons came to exist on their hidden island is divided between Hippolyta and Antiope, with the latter presumably telling Diana the parts her mother wished her not to know (or deemed her too young to hear). The story seemed to swing in Zeus’s favor as he gifted man his Amazons as, in Diana’s later words, “a bridge to a greater understanding,” but mankind soon returned to their dark ways, enslaving the Amazons so that Hippolyta eventually needed to lead their war for freedom – one which the gods apparently joined them in, earning the ire of Ares. The story doesn’t need to be any more specific, but the DC fans know just what Hippolyta is likely referencing.

L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. View photo galleries, read TV and movie reviews and more. Binge watching is America’s new favorite pastime. I mean, what could be better than plopping on the couch to watch a TV show from start to finish in the course of a. WALL-E (stylized with an interpunct as WALL·E) is a 2008 American computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. It’s hard to look at the movie—or any of Cassini’s hauntingly beautiful images—and not think of something appropriately morose for its Grand Finale. Unfortunately it appears the negative fan reactions to Prometheus were the reasoning behind Alien: Covenant's dramatic overhaul of plot direct. Watch WALL�E Hindi Full Movie.

The Next Race: The Remote Viewings Full Movie Online Free

In the original Wonder Woman comics, it was Herakles (or Hercules) whom Ares sent to Themyscira to challenge Hippolyta in combat. When the famed champion lost, the Queen invited his men into their city to feast, having been impressed with Herakles’s performance and character.

At which point Herakles drugged the women, forced himself on Hippolyta, and stole her treasured, godly girdle. Enslavement of the Amazons came next, so it appears this version of the story could be the same one in the DCEU. In which case, Herakles is currently paying for his crimes by secretly supporting the entire island from beneath it. Ann Wolfe’s Artemis. It’s no wonder that the young Diana has such a clear passion for the art of war and weapons, as the first shots of Themyscira show the warrior women intensely training en masse. It’s our introduction to Antiope, the greatest military commander on the island – second only to Queen Hippolyta – as she strolls through her forces, observing their training, and inquiring as to some of their progress. But one warrior stands apart: Artemis, famed for her role in the comics, and one of the film’s most notable cameos.

Artemis is played by Ann Wolfe, widely considered to be the greatest female boxer ever, having held four different titles consecutively (and winning 2. Director Patty Jenkins made the announcement prior to the film’s release, and Wolfe can be easily spotted in two scenes. First during the sparring sessions (taking a shot across the back, and simply staring down the offending Amazon), and later as the penultimate opponent of full- grown Diana, before Antiope steps in to unlock her true potential. Doctor Poison’s Goggles. Members of the audience who either rush home to research ‘Doctor Poison,’ or those who familiarized themselves before the movie will know that the film version is an homage, at most. The original take on Maru/Doctor Poison was a far cry from the brilliant, but meek, and disfigured doctor played by Elena Anaya. She still wore a mask, but it was something more befitting a science fiction mad scientist… and also intended to disguise her gender, operating as a man until a dramatic reveal (dramatic for the Wonder Woman comics of the day).

That means that the older fans will be disappointed to see the adaptation keep so little of the original… but there is a small detail to pay tribute to her roots. The green lab coat and apron she wears is a little too generic to be considered an overt easter egg, but the same can’t be said for the massive goggles perched atop her head. She’s never seen actually wearing them in the movie, allowing them to stand as a wink to the comic fans conjuring images of the strange goggles that were once the classic Wonder Woman villain’s signature design detail. The SMS Schwaben. Steve’s account of escaping Ludendorff and Maru’s secret chemical weapons plant doesn’t technically explain how he was tracked and shot down by a German battleship, or how the ship managed to follow so closely behind him – piercing the veil of Themyscira just minutes after he crashed through it.

Just a few minutes more, and boat loads of German soldiers are headed to shore to apprehend him (and open fire on the Amazons that appear to defend their princess). In all the action, the history buffs in the audience might not realize that the identity of that ship is actually revealed. The boats carrying the soldiers are stenciled with the name “SCHWABEN” – a reference to the very real historical dreadnought battleship SMS Schwaben. Launched in 1. 90. World War I, but since that action was primarily in the North and Baltic Seas, it’s hard to know why it was chosen. The only reason we can think of is that someone in the production team had a sense of humor, and fondness for German naval history: in 1. Schwaben actually replaced the outdated and obsolete SMS Mars – the Roman name for Ares. Ncis La Season 4 Episode 24.

Hippolyta’s Thrones.

WALL- E - Wikipedia. WALL- E (stylized with an interpunct as WALL·E) is a 2. American computer- animatedscience fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. It was directed and co- written by Andrew Stanton, produced by Jim Morris, and co- written by Jim Reardon. It stars the voices of Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, Fred Willard, John Ratzenberger, Kathy Najimy, Sigourney Weaver, and the Mac. In. Talk system, and was the overall ninth feature film produced by the company. It follows a trash compactor robot in a deserted world, left to clean a largely abandoned city.

However, he is visited by a probe sent by the Axiom ship, whom he falls in love with and pursues across the galaxy. After directing Finding Nemo, Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film set largely in space.

WALL- E has minimal dialogue in its early sequences; many of the characters do not have voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds designed by Burtt. The film criticizes consumerism, corporatism, nostalgia, waste management, human environmental impact and concerns, obesity, and global catastrophic risk.[3] It is also Pixar's first animated film with segments featuring live- action characters. Following Pixar tradition, WALL- E was paired with a short film titled Presto for its theatrical release. WALL- E was released in the United States and Canada on June 2. It was an instant blockbuster, grossing $5. Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, the 2.

Hugo Award for Best Long Form Dramatic Presentation,[4] the final Nebula Award for Best Script,[5] the Saturn Award for Best Animated Film and the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature with five nominations. The film also topped Time's list of the "Best Movies of the Decade",[6] and in 2. Watch An American Terror Online Etonline here.

In 2. 80. 5, Earth is an abandoned planet covered in trash, with its people evacuated by megacorporation Buy- N- Large on giant starliners. Bn. L has left behind WALL- E robot trash compactors to clean up; however, all have since stopped functioning, except one unit who has gained sentience and is able to stay active using parts from other units. One day, WALL- E discovers a healthy seedling, which he returns to his home. Later, an unmanned spaceship lands and deploys an EVE probe to scan the planet. WALL- E is infatuated with EVE, who is initially hostile but gradually befriends him. When WALL- E brings EVE to his trailer and shows her the plant, however, she suddenly takes the plant and goes into standby mode. WALL- E, confused, unsuccessfully tries to reactivate her.

The ship then returns to collect EVE, and with WALL- E clinging on, returns to its mothership, the starliner Axiom. The Axiom's passengers have become obese and feeble due to microgravity and reliance on an automated lifestyle, including the ship's current captain, Mc. Crea, who leaves the ship under the control of the robotic autopilot, AUTO. EVE is taken to the bridge, with WALL- E tagging along. Mc. Crea is unprepared for a positive probe response, but learns that placing EVE's plant in the ship's Holo- Detector for verification will trigger a hyperjump back to Earth so humanity can recolonize it. However, AUTO orders his robotic assistant GO- 4 to steal the plant to prevent this from happening.

With the plant missing, EVE is deemed faulty and taken to Diagnostics. WALL- E mistakes the procedure as torture, and in intervening accidentally frees a group of malfunctioning robots and causes both EVE and himself to be designated as rogue. Frustrated, EVE takes WALL- E to an escape pod to send him home, but they are interrupted when GO- 4 arrives with the plant, placing it in a pod set to self- destruct, which WALL- E enters just before it is jettisoned. WALL- E escapes, saving the plant, and he and EVE reconcile and celebrate with a dance in space around the Axiom. EVE brings the plant back to Mc. Crea, who watches EVE's recordings of Earth and concludes that they must return. However, AUTO refuses, revealing his own secret no- return directive A1.

Bn. L autopilots after the corporation concluded years earlier that the planet could not be saved. He mutinies, tasering WALL- E and deactivating EVE and throwing them both down the garbage chute, then detaining Mc. Crea. EVE automatically reactivates and helps WALL- E bring the plant to the ship's Holo- Detector chamber; AUTO tries to close the chamber, crushing WALL- E when he struggles to keep it open, but Mc. Crea is able to deactivate him and destroy GO- 4, while EVE inserts the plant to activate the hyperjump. Having arrived back on Earth, EVE repairs and reactivates WALL- E, but finds that his memory has been reset and his personality is gone.

Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL- E a farewell kiss, which sparks his memory back to life and restores his original personality. WALL- E and EVE reunite as the humans and robots of the Axiom begin to restore Earth and its environment. Ben Burtt as WALL- E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter, Earth- Class),[8] the title character.

WALL- E, a robot who has developed sentience, and is the only robot of his kind shown to be still functioning on Earth. He is a small mobile compactor box with all- terrain treads, three- fingered shovel hands, binocular eyes, and retractable solar cells for power.

Although working diligently to fulfill his directive to clean up the garbage (all the while accompanied by his cockroach friend Hal and music playing from his on- board recorder) he is distracted by his curiosity, collecting trinkets of interest. He stores and displays these "treasures" such as a birdcage full of rubber ducks, a Rubik's Cube, Zippos, disposable cups filled with plastic cutlery and a golden trophy at his home where he examines and categorizes his finds while watching a video cassette of Hello, Dolly! Pod viewed through a large Fresnel lens. Elissa Knight as EVE (Extra- terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator),[8] a sleek robot probe whose directive is to locate vegetation on Earth and verify habitability. She has a glossy white egg- shaped body and blue LED eyes.

She moves using antigravity technology and is equipped with scanners, specimen storage and a "quasar ion cannon" in her arm, which she is quick to use. Jeff Garlin as Captain B. Mc. Crea, the commanding pilot of the Axiom. His duties as captain are daily routines, with the ship's autopilot handling all true command functions. Fred Willard as Shelby Forthright, the historical CEO of the Buy n Large Corporation, shown only in videos recorded around the time of the Axiom's initial launch. Constantly optimistic, Forthright proposed the evacuation plans, then to clean up and recolonize the planet. However, the corporation gave up after realizing how toxic Earth had become.

Forthright is the one of the few live action characters with a speaking role, the first in any Pixar film. John Ratzenberger and Kathy Najimy as John and Mary, respectively. John and Mary both live on the Axiom and are so dependent on their personal video screens and automatic services that they are oblivious to their surroundings, for instance not noticing that the ship features a giant swimming pool.

However, they are brought out of their trances after separate encounters with WALL- E, eventually meeting face- to- face for the first time. Sigourney Weaver as the voice of the Axiom's computer. Stanton joked about the role with Weaver, saying, "You realize you get to be 'Mother' now?"[9][1. Alien, which also starred Weaver.[1. Mac. In. Talk, the text- to- speech program for the Apple Macintosh computers, was used for the voice of AUTO, the rogue artificial intelligenceautopilot built into the ship. Unlike other robots in the film, AUTO is not influenced by WALL- E, but instead follows directive A1.

Axiom and the humans from returning to Earth because of the toxicity, and it works to prevent anyone from deviating from it. Burtt and Mac. In.